Most important thing to begin with was to understand the way call centers use the system and the data it provides. In parallel several walk-throughs the existing system helped to point out primal UX issues.
Product’s Logo
A few interviews provided a clear understanding of the product’s values and main concept - Optimus is about the uncompromising and continuance communication between service providers and their clients.
A real client - service
provider connection
The amount of screens that the system contains made orientation difficult. Applying a simple layout allowed to approach screens and sub-screens with ease. Moreover using clear nav and breadcrumbs that were integrated as a part of the headlines provided a more natural flow between screens.
A special feature was created allowing the user to custom the home page with the tool he uses the most.

desktop tool
A desktop application was designed for the representatives to have a quick and intuitive response and keep them updated in their shifts and workflows.

Product landing page
A colorful and approachable landing page that highlights the systems values for call centers and presenting proudly the major clients who are already using the system.
Where to next?